My family and me have a history of bad relationships with food. It's true!
The cool thing about us, however, is that we can pretty much discuss our diets with each other, and we try and accommodate each other at family get-togethers (Thanksgiving, Ramadan, Christmas). The one thing we all agree on is that diet is supposed to be long-term, help you live longer, be nutrient-enriching, and enjoyable! Enjoyable is huge for me!
The Keto-diet is currently a topic amongst our family.
In fact, some members are currently on it to lose weight, reduce high blood pressure and sugar levels and get off medication. There is one family member, however, that has some serious concerns about it. That's my 85 yr-old grandfather who lives with me.
He became vegetarian about 9 years ago.
After his 2nd heart attack, he tried to avoid eating, except for on special occasions, added oil, fatty meat, refined sugar, and dairy. He was told after his 2nd heart attack that he would die without quadruple bypass surgery. Against the doctor's wishes, he decided to manage his condition with a change in diet and exercise. While this could have been the death of him, and he and my grandmother were scared about his decision, it's been keeping him alive and pain-free much of the time. Mind due, he still has health issues due to his lifestyle and is stubborn about seeing the doctor. And that it's not good either as routine tests can serve as a preventative measure for other serious conditions.
So back to this Keto-diet, it was a concern for him because of its promotion of fat and meat.
While the keto diet does suggest healthy fats, his concern is that the diet will eventually cause high cholesterol levels and heart disease. It reminds him of the Atkins diet that he tried and his arteries didn't do well on that.
For me, I'm open to considering new ways of eating as I do want to live a long and pain-free life too.
I'll often take bits and pieces of a diet that I think are reasonable and add them to my current one. For instance, I now take supplements like cod liver oil, B, C and D due to their health benefits and that you can't get certain B vitamins from some foods. Because of my experiences with weight fluctuation and my health condition, low-fat, low-carb/low-sugar, nutrient-rich foods, and moderation are what I try to stick too.
If you're like me and my family, divided but curious over the Keto-diet, here are 4 articles that helped me to understand it better:
1. Diabetes UK:
2. Harvard Health:
3. Harvard School of Public Health:
4. Plant-based News: