DIY Valentine's Card Crafts - Kid & Adult Friendly!
By: Sumera Garcia-Quadri
There’s nothing sweeter than making a homemade card for someone special - especially during the extended lockdown in Toronto. So turn on your favorite song and let your creative juices flow!
NOTE: All of my shapes are made with a ruler or using kindergarten hacks - I encourage you to trace your shapes by hand as it encourages fine-tuning skills and creativity for kids. All cards are made from dollar store products and home supplies.
Glittery Lips Card - express yourself
What you need: 1 page of glitter paper, 1 page of colored card paper (stiff card), a hole paper punch, string or ribbon, 1 pencil, any colored marker, a ruler, scissors, or an Exacto knife.
How: use your ruler or imagination to draw a mouth on the glittery piece of paper. Then draw a smaller mouth inside of the larger mouth about an inch or 2 below. Using the scissors or Exacto knife, carefully cut around the larger mouth. Cut out the paper below the smaller mouth. Now you have a mouth/lips. Place the stencil on the other piece of paper and trace around the larger mouth with a pencil. Then cut out. Now you have 2 mouths. Put the glittery mouth on top of the other mouth and use the hole puncher to punch holes through both pieces on any side of the mouth. Slide a piece of string through to tie pieces together. Tie loosely so you can slide the pieces up and down.
You’re done - write your message inside the mouth and decorate with any pencils or stickers.
2. Hanging Message Heart Card - playful messaging
What you need: 1 piece of colored card paper (stiff card), a hole paper punch, any string, a message label, any colored marker, a ruler, scissors, or Exacto knife.
How: Fold your paper in half and draw half a heart. Then draw another half heart a few inches below the larger heart. Cut out the larger heart with the scissors or Exacto knife carefully. Then cut out the smaller heart. Now you have a heart frame. Use the hole puncher to punch a hole at the top of the heart. Slide a piece of string through the hole, add a message tag, and loosely tie the string so that the message hangs down like an ornament.
You’re done - write your message along the edges of the heart and decorate with any pencils or stickers.
Happy Valentine’s Crafting!
making a heart stencil
making a heart stencil